Sunday, February 3, 2013

Thoughts on last weeks ritual

No fancy title today, just my thoughts and opinions on our Imbolc ritual Sunday.  Where to begin?  We had a pleasant surprise (okay, we were told they were coming, but still...) when Rob S. and his three little munchkins joined us for this ritual.  All three children took part in the ritual, they did an excellent job.  

I must say I am happy to see young children participating like that in rituals.  They did a very good job.  We tried a different approach to honoring Brid this year, instead of honoring her as a hearth goddess we tried looking at the bard side of her.  I think this ritual was diffidently better then last year, but it still lacked something.  I felt a stir of interest coming from her but not a "YES!! You've got it!!"  So I am assuming we are on the right track.  

It's kinda hard to get into Imbolc (my least fav. high day, truthfully).  I am not a follower of Brid, I respect her, especially for a healing many years ago that she gave me.  But I don't follow her and have no interest in ever following her.

Also, I just feel there is more to this high day then just honoring Brid.  I noticed another grove had honored Brid and the Cailleach, their ritual was quite beautiful.  I would love it if we explored this avenue, but considering how much some members dug their heels in when it was suggested, I doubt it will happen, true shame.

Either way, I felt the ritual was better, not the best or as good as it could have been.  But a lot better then last year, best of all, our omens were really good, Brid seemed happy with the direction we had gone.  So that's good.